Encouraging Communication by Putting Toys Out of Reach

Tuesday Tip!

One great way to encourage your child to use their current communication skills and push them to practice new communication skills is to put toys, snacks, and activities within sight but out of reach. This creates an opportunity for the child to gain the attention of a caregiver and engage in communication to request the desired item. Place items on shelves or in clear bins so that your child can see the items but can’t quite get to them. If you’re child can request items that are out of sight, keep them in containers on shelves or behind cabinet doors. This strategy can help kids learn to functionally use their communication skills to request preferred items or snacks rather than having unlimited access to these items.

Another pro tip: Have your child help put away the toys or materials when they’re finished with the activity so that it’s easy to put out of reach for the next opportunity - and to help keep your house clean!