Visual Supports

Visual Supports

Most of us utilize visual supports to help us throughout our days. For example, I have a planner to organize meetings and events and I utilize lists to prioritize tasks that I need to do. Even though I am independently successful with these tasks, the goal is not to fade these supports from my life-because they make my life easier! Our goal, is to help individuals with complex communication needs (CCN) determine which visual supports work for them and increase their independence in accessing these supports.

Below you will find some of the proven benefits of visual supports as well as different types of commonly used supports.

Benefits of visual supports:

1.      Provides time to focus and process information

2.      Provides structure and predictability

3.      Provides concrete representation of abstract concepts

4.      Reduces stress of unknown expectations

5.      Encourages consistency across environments and communication partners

6.      Reduces cognitive load (recognition memory, instead of recall memory)

Types of visual supports:

1.      Visual schedule

2.      First-Then board

3.      Task Sequence board

4.      Visual representation of rules

5.      Social Stories

6.      Self-Talk Cards

7.      Choice Boards

8.      Labeling

In the weeks to come, we will dive deeper into each type of visual support and will provide ideas as to when, where, why, and how these supports can be created and implemented.

Stay Tuned!

-Link Therapies

SymbolStix symbol from the augmentative alternative communication app TouchChat

SymbolStix symbol from the augmentative alternative communication app TouchChat